Bonfire (Part I)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 2

After Tue didn't show for three days, a group of people went to his house. There they found the dead bodies. Inside the house, they found Fue asleep in his bed. A couple picked him up and carried him out. The local police began their investigation. The police chief came out to the house and took the case personally. When he addressed the council later, he told them of how he'll get to the bottom of it. Everyone wanted to know who or why this had been done. Was Tue right? Was he just at the wrong place at the wrong time? The town spoke of many possible scenarios.

One night at the Police Chief's house, a knock came on the door. He opened the door to see a lady dressed in the full uniform of an Animal Empire Imperial representative. "My lady, what can I do for you," the police chief asked. "Actually, I was coming to aid you," she said as she walked into the house. he closed the door behind her. "I wanted to talk to you about the de Joie case. We have been investigating it to assist. We've heard about it from the Secfenian Council and began our own investigation," she told him.

Our leads are going nowhere. We could use the help," he commented. She took out several folders and put them on the table. "These folders contain information on a rebel group called 'Illuminated'. They believe it is their job to rid the whole empire of 'unilluminated'. We believe that Tue was eliminated by them. Feel free to review our work and see what you come to the conclusion of," she told him. He nodded and began to read the first page. "Would you like a cup of coffee," the police chief asked. "Actually, yes. I have a long night ahead," she said with a half smile. The chief walked into the kitchen and slowly made coffee for the two of them. The smell flowed out of the kitchen and into the living room. A gentle whisper of the wind took the smell across town.

Fue rolled onto his back in his new foriegn bed. He slowly got out of bed and out of the strange house. Quietly, he walked to his old house. He walked into his own bedroom and laid down to sleep on his bed. When he woke, he would return to the foriegn bed. His guardians noticed he left every night and came back every morning. They never questioned him about it. As the weeks went by, Fue's house was cleaned and he stayed there most of the time. It was his sanctuary. Not many ever bothered him when he was there.

Fue didn't talk to many people even though they tried to talk to him. Even the new viceroy for the Secfenia Province, Elizabeth Smith came and visited. She came after the Chief of Police's announcement about there being no conclusive leads about who did it or why. She entered his sanctuary with a teddy bear. She apologized for the event and wished him the best. "If you need anything, just let me know," she told him putting the bear down. Fue stared at her. "Are you part of them," he asked her. Elizabeth looked at him questioningly. Fue said nothing and walked away. Elizabeth didn't understand and decided it might be best for her to leave. If he didn't want to speak, she figured he had been through enough and she didn't need to step into that minefield.

She walked out the door and was greeted by the same Imperial Representative that visited the police chief earlier. "Viceroy Smith, good day," the lady greeted Elizabeth. "Viceroy Chrssa, didn't expect to see you around here," Elizabeth commented. "Normally, I don't travel this much, but I've been told to deliver a lot of messages from the Emperor. This has been a time of grave concern for the Empire. Your assistance against rebel factions in Bravia has been most appreciated. The Emperor has been very pleased with your service. However, General Angeliga has decided that we are moving several of the empire's prisoners out of the province. We can't afford to have them in a dangerous position where they could avoid having justice dealt," Chryssa told her.

Elizabeth's attention went elsewhere for a second. "Viceroy's Smith, are you okay," she asked. Elizabeth blinked quickly and regained her composure. "Yes, I am. When are the prisoners to be moved," Elizabeth inquired. Viceroy Chryssa took out a piece of paper that was folded into eighters and walked away. "Little female dog," Viceroy Smith commented under her breath. She unfolded the piece of paper and noticed the Imperial Seal and frowned. She skimmed the paper and found the date. They had been taken yesterday night. "The Empire has screwed us over again," she asid to no on in particular.

She walked away as Fue de Joie opened the door. Fue de Joie walked to the Senate Hall of Puria. As he opened the door and the people saw who it was, the room quieted. "I am here to assume my father's seat on the Puria Council," he told the assembly. "Little Fue, you are too young to do so. you can't be serious," the head senator told him. "Senator, I am dead serious. According to Purian Tradition, when a senator is no longer capable of performing his or her duty, then the closest living relative shall serve in his or her place," Fue told him. "Yes, but you can't do that," the head senator told Fue. "Why not? Is not my father a senator uncapable of performing his duty," Fue asked with passion. "That's true, but...," the head senator commented. Fue interrupted him saying, "Am I not the cloest living relative?" "That is true, but that is a technicality," the senator informed him. "So, you are telling me that you disrespect not only my father, but also Purian traditions? You know my father would be very disappointed. He had told me that this council always upheld the traditions that made us who we are. I guess it's a good thing he never found out," Fue said as he turned away and started to walk out the door.

"Wait," one female senator commanded. Fue turned towards the council. "He does not speak for all of us. Welcome Fue. We're honored to have you serve as your father served. Tomorrow, we shall reconviene and you shall be on the council where you belong," she told him. The assembly applauded. "This council will adjorn for the day," the head senator told everyone. Slowly, the room began to empty and the lights shut off.

[ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 3 ]

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