Love N' Hate (Part III)

By Bobby Russ

Chapter 2

Robert walked out of the pub and down the streets. He was whistling. He was enjoying the fresh air, but he felt something was wrong. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he just felt something. He tried to shrug it off, but he couldn't no matter how hard he tried. He grinned as a butterfly flew near him. "Such a beautiful monarch," he said identifying the butterfly.

"Something you will never get to experience, boy," a voice said from behind. Robert turned around and his face grew dark. "What do you want from me," Robert asked. "To die slowly and painfully for the sins of your father. This is from my family," Fue de Joie told him. "But... I'm different...," Robert pleaded. Fue laughed and said, "Temporarily."

Fue took out a dagger and lodged it in Robert. Robert fell to the ground and could feel a poison inside him. The world around him began to spin. He tried to grasp out and stand back up, but failed miserably. "April....," he managed to whisper slipping out of the concious view. Fue de Joie looked at him wierd and felt a slight pain in his heart. It all started making sense to him about her and Robert, but it was too late now. Fue fled the scene.

Robert tried to hold on to the world around him. His mind reached out trying to stay stable. His mind began to put on the reel of his life. He say when he was younger. He saw how he met April. The one time when they held each other's hand for the first time. It was an attempt to comfort her, but somehow it ended up doing so much. He felt a spark and apparently she did as well.

As time progressed, so had their love. Over time, it has blossomed like a beautiful rose. He could see the different steps playing through his mind. The pains of yesteryear disappeared. Warmth of the heart filled his total image. With a smile in the heart, he remember the first time that he could feel the bliss of a kiss from her. The parting of the lips and the joy it brought.

His dreams and hopes of the future they had shared. He saw so much possiblity. He had some many ideas of what the future could have in store. He imagined so much happiness. The future had not been exactly clear, but he knew that they would be together...

All of this filled his mind. Then his mind played a cruel trick on him. He flashed forward to now. There he sat in the middle of the street losing the very stems and peddles of the life he had. A deep emptiness filled him. "I love you, April. I'm so sorry. I never thought this would be the way everything turned out," he thought to himself.

A slow rainfull blemished his face as he slipt away from everything he knew. A few witnesses seeing the coast clear knelt down besides Robert. "This doesn't look good at all," one said to another. "He's dead now. Should we do tell the Emperor," the lady said to the one. "Don't we have to," the first person said. "Yes and we have to find this April too," the lady commented.

"I'll take care of the body and you go tell those two, okay," the man suggested to the woman. "Agreed," the lady said running to the palace gate. The man picked up the body and carried it with a friend to a less public area. "May the mages look after his body," the man wished as they put it in a hidden area.

[ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 3 ]

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