Secfenia Tribune

Volume 2, Issue 1 9711.02

Cease Fire!

Albrightville, Bravia - The town of Albrightville which was in the middle of all the disputed territory became the host of the Cease Fire Agreements. In the agreements, Henry Albright, Minister of Abyssinian Lands for the Zachrenin Soveriegnty agreed to removed troops from the area surrounding the town. It was granted that Bravia would be able to keep the city of Albrightville even though it was in the midst of Zachrenin Soverignty property.

Also, the Confederate Bravia was officially annexed by the Zachrenin Soverignty.


Viceroy's Palace, Secfenia - After the disappearance of Kevin Oroc from the scene of the Bravian Revolution, the Bravian Confederate decided to merge in with the Zachrenin Soveriegnty. Since then, the new area of the Zachrenin Soverignty has complained of disappearances. It is estimated that Bravia lost about 900,000 people recently in a freak disappearance streak. Unfortunately, it has also spread to other countries as well. Valleria has reported 500,000 people missing who did not show up for work or anything...

New Fullerium has seen 350,000 disappear from their nation. Lufue Zue was quoted as saying "Where in the world could they have gone?". That is a question that is being asked by a lot of people. In Imperial Secfenia, 275,000 people are not available to ask... They wierd string of disappearances is unusual. Some have suspected that there may be some sinister terrorist causing all this, but no facts are known.

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