Secfenia Tribune

Vol 1 Issue 4 9604.01

Radical Group Siezes Spirit of Division

Paz - The House of Bravia has declared that it will separate from the rest of the nation. Today, the proclamation read:

"The Bravian Empire died a little, while ago in our history books, but it never died in our hearts and minds. We have decided to begin the Empire once more. We proclaim Henry Albright as the leader of the Nation until Natonito decides to rule it. We have out constitution and if anyone attempts to force the Secfenian way of monarchy and free right ssupression upon us, we will be forced to stand up and take whatever actions are necessary to stop the fall of cilir right."
- Oen Bravia, New War Secretary for the Braven Empire

It is clear that there will be no easy way to solve this division. War will only lead to the consideration of these people as people who died fighting for liberty. The Council of Secfenia currently has stated no comment about these recent events. The latest news the Tribune could bring to you was that Major Elizabeth Smith was told to remove all Central Guard possessions out of the area that belongs to the house of Bravia or the new Bravian Empire.

The Bravian Empire contains about 581,000 citizens of Secfenia. The Governor-General has asked for all Secfenian citizens to leave the Bravian Empire. If nobody leaves, then Secfenia will have lost 50% of its populations and about 33% of its resources. It is not likely that the Council will agree to have this nation exist for a long period of time.

Attention all Army Personnel!!

Fenia - All Personnel are to report to training duty. If you live in Puria or Muria, please go to the Training Camp by Major Chris Thomas. If you live else where, goto Major Elizabeth Smith's training camp.

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